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How to Use Your Thermostat’s Fan Mode in Vero Beach, FL

Your HVAC system uses a set of fans to circulate air, and your thermostat has a special switch that controls the operation of these fans. This switch has various settings, each of which may be appropriate for your Vero Beach, FL home at various times of the year. We’re going to explain what your thermostat’s fan mode is along with how it works and what purpose each setting serves.

The Two Main Settings

Your thermostat’s fan switch has two principal settings: “auto” and “on.” When it’s set to “auto,” your thermostat will command the fans in your HVAC system to work only when the system is actively heating or cooling your home. When it’s set to “on,” the fans will always work and blow air around, no matter what else the HVAC system happens to be doing.

Why You Would Want to Use the “On” Setting

It may seem that it’s better to just keep the switch in “auto” mode, and in most cases, that is true. However, there are certain circumstances when it might be desirable to flip the switch to the “on” position.

For example, running your HVAC fans continuously for a specific period is an effective way to improve the indoor air quality in your home, as circulating air will repeatedly scoop up pollutants and pass through air filters. Turning fan mode on may also help to eliminate uneven temperatures in your home by forcing air to flow everywhere.

Compromise Solutions

The “auto” and “on” settings do not exhaust all possibilities. New HVAC systems offer a variable-speed air handler that will push the fans to operate at a variety of different speeds. These variable-speed fans are excellent at reducing energy costs and maintaining a stable temperature inside your home. This compromises between the “on” and “auto” settings.

The technology in thermostats has improved over the years, and they contain a whole host of features to enhance your comfort. Call the experts at Next Generation Air & Heat, Inc., and we can help you get the most out of your thermostat.

Image provided by iStock

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